wineries .

A D D E D . V A L U E


For a nominal fee we can add your wine label to your justwinepoints listing. Labels should be low-res and submitted as a JPG, GIF, TIF(F) or PDF file. Please eMail label art to:


For a nominal fee we can link your justwinepoints listing (and label if posted) to your website or any URL that you desire. Please email Jenna for more information.


To add a review to your listing please contact Jenna Corwin at the email address above.


With the minimum purchase of four labels, links and reviews, we'll provide you with a sell sheet for distributors, retailers, tasting room, etc. Here's a sample.

A D V E R T I S I N G . / . S P O N S O R S H I P

To advertise and/or become a sponsor of please email Jenna at the address above.